Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a perfect day!

So, I work from home for a sex offender registry. It can be such a phenomenally stressful job, but today I worked from my back deck out in the sun and nothing could bring me down. I kept my son home from daycare (he goes a couple days a week) and during my lunch we ran through the sprinkler. It was fantastic. Then we took a trip to Wally World (Walmart) and invested in some flowers and vegetables plants. All evening we gardened. This day could only be trumped if I had done all of this from the same house and it was relocated on the lake. Oh yeah, and I guess my husband would need to work from home as well so he could have enjoyed it with us.

I put off my post for today trying to think how I could tie poetry into it and then decided I would hunt down some gardening themed poems. It was a long quest for one I liked. If you all know any good ones let me know! Here is one I found on http://home.vicnet.net.au/~poems/ed/html/poems_about_gardening.html:

Regarding Gardening

By Paul McCann

It's a hard graft, no bloody laugh ,
this back yard work .
Hands full of dirt ,
swatting the flies around your eyes .
Lifting dog lugs,
spraying the bugs .
Grunting .
Groaning .
Blooding , boning .
Plotting .
Potting .
Lopping, chopping .
Raking .
Breaking .
Shaking .
Aching .
Propagation .
Dedication .
Transplantation .
Recreation .
Sowing new seeds .
Throwing out weeds .
Treating clover .
Bending over .
It's not easy .
Bendzee kneezees .
On my leisure ,its a pleasure this endless work .
Without a shirt a man must sweat .
With beds he's put his punnets in.
His gardening is in his hands,
but it demands a lot of time .
With God's sunshine to germinate,
gardens create life once again .
Holding the rain in tanks the go .
So spare a 'mo .
Breath in the air while you water .
Gardening's gift gives you a life .
It's therapy upon your knee .
A gardens worth of life on earth spent in good time .
Laying down lime .
Seeing crops reap .
Working the peat into the ground .
The plants you spoil with fertile soil .
Keeping grass down back and front both .
Cutting back growth .
Raking up leaves from all those trees in your back yard .
It's very hard .
Thorns on roses .
Tangled hoses .
Fertilizer dung in the air .
Trimming hedges .
Doing edges .
When it is cool clean out the pool

I like that it is not short, because gardening is not! It was a long perfect day.
(On a side note--- My back is killing me now after all that work)


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful day and what a memory you'll have when your little guy gets bigger and doesn't want to spend time with mom...(oh the joys of teenage years you have to come...lol). I like your poem choice, it's very visual and I can almost smell the damp earth as I read it.

  2. Working outside is the best therapy and what a great way to spend your day with your little one. I truly love the poem it is so true and all the items mentioned on the list "regarding gardening". It takes hard work to reap the benefits, but I am sure when it is time to gather the produce it will be well worth the time spent tackling the garden and an achy back. It is good how you found a new poem to say exactly how your day was spent and will bring a smile to many people's faces who read it. Nice Job =)
